A Diamond Certification is a written report by an independent diamond laboratory, stating their opinion as to the Color, Clarity, Cut, and Carat Weight of a particular diamond.
Diamond grading facilities can differ greatly in their opinions on color and clarity. The GIA and AGS are by far the most stringent in their grading standards. Other gem labs, such as EGL and EGL International, are not as strict, and sometimes can differ by several grades.
It is important when buying a diamond is to make an apples to apples comparison from jeweler to jeweler, looking at diamond prices on comparable stones graded by the same laboratory. Even more importantly, you should compare several different diamonds side by side, and ask to see the diamond you are purchasing under the microscope to have a better view of any imperfections inside the diamond.
When we buy diamonds for our customers we are looking for great value in stones that are white, bright, and that have zero eye visible imperfections. We sell diamonds certified by many different gem labs, and can provide a diamond for you certified by the lab of your choice. We price all of our diamonds low and sell a large volume each year.